[xsl] template precedence

Subject: [xsl] template precedence
From: "Trevor Nicholls" <trevor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 13:10:25 +1200
A trap for young players, like me (document is the top node in the input XML

Original XSL (in part):

<xsl:template match="document">
...<xsl:apply-templates />...

<xsl:template match = "*">

New XSL (same part):

<xsl:template match="document">
...<xsl:apply-templates />...

<xsl:template match="*[@mark='Y']">

<xsl:template match="*[not(@mark='Y')]">


I was a bit taken aback to find that "*[]" takes priority over "document".
This might be according to spec, but it's still a bit counter-intuitive,
isn't it!


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