Re: [xsl] Comparing to SQL NULL

Subject: Re: [xsl] Comparing to SQL NULL
From: "Oleg Konovalov" <olegkon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 17:09:55 -0400
When I tried to print a value of that NULL column in SQL,
I am getting an empty string (v1='').
Oh, I think I know the answer from the existing code:
<xsl:when test="normalize-space(v1) = '' or string(v1) = 'NaN'"> something

Does it make sense to you ?


On 7/24/06, Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There are two main ways of representing an absent value in XML. The relevant
element might be omitted entirely, or it might be present with empty
content. (There's a third way, the xsi:nil attribute, but I don't think
anyone uses it.) To answer your question we need to know what the XML looks
like, and what $v1 is.

Michael Kay

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oleg Konovalov [mailto:olegkon@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 24 July 2006 20:41
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [xsl] Comparing to SQL NULL
> Hi,
> I am writing some XSL code processing database columns
> (actually, adding a new column to the existing table in old
> application) and need to handle a situation when the column
> does not have a value yet.
> So how do I express that condition in XSL:
> <xsl:when test="$v1 = 'NULL'">
> ... do something
> </xsl:when>
> or <xsl:when test="$v1 = 'NaN'">
> ... do something
> </xsl:when>
> or <xsl:when test="$v1 = ''">   ... blank string: ''
> ... do something
> </xsl:when>  ???
> Please help.
> Sorry for the newbie question.
> Using XSLT1.0 [and Cocoon 2.0.x]
> Thank you,
> Oleg.

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