RE: RE: [xsl] Calender support

Subject: RE: RE: [xsl] Calender support
From: cknell@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:59:00 -0400
Your problem seems to lay with Saxon. Try posting the question to their mailing list: 
Charles Knell
cknell@xxxxxxxxxx - email

-----Original Message-----
From:     tom tom <tomxsllist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent:     Mon, 31 Jul 2006 16:49:06 +0100
To:       xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  RE: [xsl] Calender support

Both these produce the same output as does the example I provided. They are 
in arabic but it is still using the Christian calender - ie the current year 
in the islamic calender is not 2006.

>From: cknell@xxxxxxxxxx
>Reply-To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [xsl] Calender support
>Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:33:28 -0400
>When I look at the signature of the format-date() function I see this 
>format-date(date, picture, language, calendar, country)
>with the latter three arguments being optional.
>Looking at your use:
>format-date(current-date(), '[Y&#1633;] [Mn] [D&#1633;]', 'Islamic', 'SH', 
>The "date" part is OK.
>I can't tell anything about the picture parts. It seems I don't have the 
>correct code page to display the Arabic script. Do you have the correct 
>code page on your computer and is the "encoding" attribute set correctly on 
>the xsl:output element?
>According to my (very little) research, what's needed in the "language" 
>argument is a two-letter ISO code for the language. "Islamic" is definitely 
>not that. The "SH" in the calendar and country positions gives me a clue 
>that you may want Farsi as the language, in which case the language code 
>should be "fa". If you want the Arabic alphabet, set the language code to 
>Try this:
>format-date(current-date(), '[Y&#1633;] [Mn] [D&#1633;]', 'fa', 'SH', 'SH')
>format-date(current-date(), '[Y&#1633;] [Mn] [D&#1633;]', 'ar', 'SH', 
>Please remember that I'm not offering any advice regarding the "picture", 
>as I don't have the code page on my system that would display the 
>characters correctly.
>Charles Knell
>cknell@xxxxxxxxxx - email
>-----Original Message-----
>From:     tom tom <tomxsllist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent:     Mon, 31 Jul 2006 14:25:04 +0100
>To:       xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject:  [xsl] Calender support
>I wish to convert a date from the Christian calender to the Hijri (Islamic)
>calender. I am using XSLT 2.0 with Saxon 8. I have tried various
>permutations and differences of the following:
><xsl:sequence select="format-date(current-date(), '[Y&#1633;] [Mn]
>[D&#1633;]', 'Islamic', 'SH', 'SH')"/>
>This prints the year and day in arabic but remains in the Christian
>calender. The character &#1633; doesn't seem to work with [Mn] either. Can
>anyone advise what I should be doing here? Does Saxon support the arabic
>calender and does it support other calenders?

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