Re: [xsl] writing error file

Subject: Re: [xsl] writing error file
From: Frank Marent <frank.marent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 15:20:27 +0200

still confused and not able to get xsl:message in a file. i'm using saxon 8.7.3J, calling from a .bat file.

saxon file.xml style.xsl 2> error.log

no. 2> or 2>> (to append messages) sends errors and recoverable errors from saxon to the file but *not* xsl:message messages.

You can get (in general) the output of the xsl:message but you need processor specific code for that. Also this requires configuring the processor in a specific way, thus you need to have control over the transformation execution.

what processor specific code would i need for that configuring?

There may well be product configuration options that allow you to control where xsl:message output is sent and how it is formatted.

i checked the saxon options but could not find an appriopriate option. is the -m option usable on the (non-java) command line or .bat level for that?

thanks in advance for your help that is very appreciated


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