Re: [xsl] Blindstaring on descendent(-or-self), following(-sibling) and the like, from inside an xsl:function

Subject: Re: [xsl] Blindstaring on descendent(-or-self), following(-sibling) and the like, from inside an xsl:function
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:22:17 +0200
Abel Braaksma wrote:
Question: is the first item inside $someparam a text-node or any other node? Whitespace is considered a textnode also.

Putting it a bit clearer: xpath must return true for the following nodes:

<em>some text</em>
<em> <strong>bla</strong></em>
<em>some text<strong>bold text</strong>more text</em>
<em> </em>

and must return false in these scenarios:
<em />
<em><strong>bold text</strong>more text</em>
<em><em>text</em>text<strong>bold text</strong></em>

Consider the node 'em' in the above examples as being in a param for xsl:function:

<xsl:function name="local:myfunc">
   <xsl:param name="param1" />
   <xsl:if test="WHAT_GOES_HERE">
       do something when node starts with text


-- Abel

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