Re: [xsl] Is there a way to skip non-numerical data while formatting numbers?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Is there a way to skip non-numerical data while formatting numbers?
From: "Rashmi Rubdi" <rashmi.sub@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 21:49:40 -0400

Thank you for the very useful tip.

I tried the following (with some variations):

<xsl:decimal-format name="currency_format" NaN=""/>

<xsl:value-of select="format-number(number(price),

but the above is throwing a
SystemId Unknown; Line #58; Column #102; java.lang.RuntimeException:
ElemTemplateElement error: Malformed format string: ##,##,,00 on
Xalan XSLT 1.0 parser.

I wasn't getting the above error before (when I didn't use the
decimal-format option inside the format-number function.

It could be possible that this is a bug in Xalan according to this post:

I will check with the Xalan mailing list if it is their bug.

On 4/15/07, David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

you can specify the string used for Not a Number using xsl:decimal-format, it defaults to 'NaN' but you can make it ''


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