Re: [xsl] Subsets

Subject: Re: [xsl] Subsets
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 19:46:03 +0200
It is not possible to assign anything in XSLT. But you can get get a subset in XSLT 2.0 with subsequence($items, $start, $lenght).

There is no such thing as a subset of [2 ... -1], as -1 is not possible position, they start at 1. And a range can only be positive, i.e.: (1 to 3) instead of (3 to 1) (the latter which will result in an empty sequence).

-- Abel

Robert C Corsaro wrote:
Is there a simple way to get a subset of nodes. I'm implementing a stack and want to pop the first node. I'd like to get the subset of [2..-1] and assign it to the next recursion.

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