Re: [xsl] document() can not used in IE6?

Subject: Re: [xsl] document() can not used in IE6?
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:25:35 +0200
Manfred Staudinger wrote:
On 30/06/07, Houghton,Andrew <houghtoa@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
The document() function may be supported in IE, but only if your security
zone is local and not the Internet. IE for security reasons may be
disabling the document() function if you are browsing a page on the
Internet and the page tries to do a client side XSL transform. The
document() function however, is supported in the underlying MSXML DLL.

With the document() function you can fetch any XML document, _provided_ it comes from the _same_ domain (same in Fx and IE).

not exactly the same, though. Firefox does not allow more significant paths. I.e., if your XSLT path is '', then you cannot use document() to open something from ''.

In IE you can (but I'm not sure of all versions, MS tends to change these things so rapidly....).

In addition, I now suddenly remember that I once had this problem that the OP mentioned: using an absolute path was *always* seen as different domain by IE, regardless the fact that the domain is equal to the current domain. To resolve this, you have to create a relative path for IE, instead of an absolute one. (I am not sure this is true in all security situations though, or for all versions / SPs of IE).

-- Abel

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