[xsl] Create a list of values from multiple elements

Subject: [xsl] Create a list of values from multiple elements
From: "Michael Eberhard" <michael_eberhard@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:01:18 +0200

I want to create a list of IDs while transforming one part of the XML document, as the transformation of the second part is based on the IDs chosen before.

The input XML document looks like this:

<MainElement id="0" val="10"/>
<MainElement id="1" val="20"/>
<MainElement id="2" val="30"/>
<ExtElement mid="0" ... />
<ExtElement mid="0" ... />
<ExtElement mid="1" ... />
<ExtElement mid="2" ... />

The style sheet has a parameter, which allows to specify the desired maximum value. If the input parameter is a value of 20, the output should look like this:

<MainElement id="0" val="10"/>
<MainElement id="1" val="20"/>
<ExtElement mid="0" ... />
<ExtElement mid="0" ... />
<ExtElement mid="1" ... />

My question is now, how can I store the IDs of the MainElements while processing them in order to have the IDs available when processing the ExtElements (using XSLT 1.0).

Thanks for your help,
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