Subject: Re: [xsl] Creating Footnote Ids From: Wendell Piez <wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:15:28 -0400 |
I have an XML document that has footnote mark-up, this can appear in any level within the document. I want to create an id attribute that will have a value depending on the ancestors of the footnote element.
for example:
<book> <preface> <footnote/> <footnote/> <footnote/> <footnote/> </preface> <part> <chapter> <footnote/> <footnote/> <footnote/> </chapter> <chapter> <footnote/> <footnote/> <footnote/> </chapter> <footnote/> <footnote/> <footnote/> </part> <chapter> <footnote/> <footnote/> <footnote/> </chapter> </book>
would turn to:
<book> <preface> <footnote id="PRE1FN1"/> <footnote id="PRE1FN2"/> <footnote id="PRE1FN3"/> <footnote id="PRE1FN4"/> </preface> <part> <chapter> <footnote id="P1C1FN1"/> <footnote id="P1C1FN2"/> <footnote id="P1C1FN3"/> </chapter> <chapter> <footnote id="P1C2FN1"/> <footnote id="P1C2FN2"/> <footnote id="P1C2FN3"/> </chapter> <footnote id="P1FN1"/> <footnote id="P1FN2"/> <footnote id="P1FN3"/> </part> <chapter> <footnote id="C1FN1"/> <footnote id="C1FN2"/> <footnote id="C1FN3"/> </chapter> </book>
How can i do this in XSLT 2.0? I tried doing it by creating a variable for the count of each ancestor but I can get it correct.
<xsl:template match="footnote"> <xsl:attribute name="id"> <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor-or-self::*" mode="id-generate"/> </xsl:attribute> ... </xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="part" mode="id-generate"> <xsl:text>P</xsl:text> <xsl:number/> </xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="chapter" mode="id-generate"> <xsl:text>C</xsl:text> <xsl:number/> </xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="footnote" mode="id-generate"> <xsl:text>FN</xsl:text> <xsl:number/> </xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="*" mode="id-generate"/> <!-- avoids default template traversal from ancestors not otherwise matched -->
<xsl:template match="preface | part | chapter | footnote" mode="id-generate"> <xsl:variable name="code" select="('PRE','P','C','FN')[index-of(('preface','part','chapter','footnote'),local-name())]"/> <xsl:value-of select="$code"/> <xsl:number/> </xsl:template>
Cheers, Wendell
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