Re: [xsl] the document() in IE

Subject: Re: [xsl] the document() in IE
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:13:07 +0100
> You say that my "workaround" is the same:
> but that is only true if

ah yes, in other words, what you said was right, and what I said was

> So, if I understand you correctly, when IE removes the path information 
> (base uri) of the XSLT when it becomes a DOM object, it is still 
> behaving conformant. Though I do find it a bit strange,

It conforms to _XSLT/XPath_ which says nothing about how the properties
of the input trees are determined. Whether the DOM spec (or javascript
spec or in similar server-side scenarios jaxp spec etc, specify what the
base URI of the in-memory object is would have to be answered by someone
who's read those specs more carefully than I have. (In some of the cases
listed above I haven't looked at all...)


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