Re: [xsl] xs:anyURI allows a space

Subject: Re: [xsl] xs:anyURI allows a space
From: Owen Rees <owen.rees@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 15:40:07 +0100
--On 16 July 2007 15:11 +0100 Andrew Welch wrote:

If makes it difficult when resolving relative paths in the URIResolver
as something that's a valid xs:anyURI in a call to doc() causes a
URISyntaxException in Java when it hits the resolver - don't they both
sing from the same rec?

No, they do not sign from the same rec.

XML Schema datatypes <> hands the problem to <> the Linking Language which defines an "escaping procedure" that is to be applied to locator attributes to turn them into URIs.

One feature of that process is that space characters are converted.

Just to add confusion, the XPath 2 iri-to-uri function performs what seems to me to be the same conversion, but its specification does not refer to xs:anyURI - <>.

Owen Rees
Hewlett-Packard Limited
Registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1HN
Registered No: 690597 England

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