[xsl] regex error in saxon8.9n?

Subject: [xsl] regex error in saxon8.9n?
From: Erik Wilde <dret@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:11:18 -0700

in my xipr implementation of xinclude in xslt 2.0 (available at http://dret.net/projects/xipr/), i use regexes to parse xpointers. this works fine for me in saxon 8.9j, but seems to cause errors in saxon 8.9n, at least this is what i suspect. when using the current version of xipr (id 297), saxon 8.9n produces the following error messages:

Error at xsl:when on line 88 of file:///d:/temp/xipr.xsl: FORX0002: Error at character 5 in regular expression "^[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*$": character must be escaped ([)

Error at xsl:when on line 92 of file:///d:/temp/xipr.xsl: FORX0002: Error at character 14 in regular expression "^element\([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*((/...": character must be escaped ([)

Failed to compile stylesheet. 2 errors detected.

running xipr with saxon 8.9j works fine. i think that the above message is wrong and that the regex and saxon 8.9j are right, but there definitely is a regex parsing problem in one of the two saxon versions. it is my understanding that the xipr regexes are correct because of the following construct in the xpath 2.0 regex syntax:


please cc me when replying to this post! thanks a lot! kind regards,

erik wilde   tel:+1-510-6432253 - fax:+1-510-6425814
       dret@xxxxxxxxxxxx  -  http://dret.net/netdret
       UC Berkeley - School of Information (iSchool)

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