Re: [xsl] PI for associating a sample input with a stylesheet [was Re: [xsl] Xselerator]

Subject: Re: [xsl] PI for associating a sample input with a stylesheet [was Re: [xsl] Xselerator]
From: B Tommie Usdin <btusdin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:53:37 -0400
It seems to me that this is the sort of thing that is far better handled in a (perhaps standardized) external file than inside the (hopefully re-useable/re-purposable) XSLT. The more application/environment/use specific information there is embedded in a file the less re-useable/re-purposeable it is.

But then, I think the link from an XML document to the associated stylesheetS (yes, I meant that "S") should be external to the document, too. We don't use one and only one stylesheet with every document, and embedding that information in the document forces people who would otherwise have no reason to edit the document do so.

-- Tommie

At 5:35 PM +0300 7/19/07, George Cristian Bina wrote:
I do not see any difficulties to implement this similar with the way we implemented the xml-styelsheet PI support. However, it will be great if instead of an oXygen specific PI we would be able to use something more generic.

I am curious how much interest is in having such a PI. I remember that I was pro having a PI to associate a Relax NG schema with an XML document and there was a strong reaction against making a proposal for such a PI on the Relax NG list. So what people think about such a PI?
Abel Braaksma (online) wrote:
Thanks for your answer, George,

oXygen detects automatically the xml-stylesheet PI if you try to
execute the transform action on a file and in that case it will ask
you if you want to use that stylesheet for the transformation.

My point wasn't very clear perhaps (and I intermingling with the OP here...). When i write a stylesheet, that stylesheet often has a couple of test XMLs that go with it for unit tests etcetera. Not the other way around: when i write an XML document, it is not defined to run with a particular stylesheet (and often, these documents come from other sources and meddling with them seems inappropriate).

So, what I'd actually like is a way to associate XML files with
stylesheets, not stylesheets with XML files:

<?sample-xml-list test-one.xml test-two.xml ?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.ww3...etc


B. Tommie Usdin                        mailto:btusdin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.      
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  Mulberry Technologies: A Consultancy Specializing in XML and SGML

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