Re: [xsl] Problem with XSL and Win2003 SP2

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problem with XSL and Win2003 SP2
From: pankaj singla <pinkoo_78@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:02:47 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Manfred,

The problem I am having is specific to IE on Win2003
SP3. If I use server side formatting with Xalan, it is
coming out fine but it only happens if I use client
side formatting with IE 6 or 7. 

Could you tell me how to generate HTML using xsl and
xml with IE. I could PM you the code if you like.

Thanks for your help and time.

--- Manfred Staudinger <manfred.staudinger@xxxxxxxxx>

> On 20/07/07, pankaj singla <pinkoo_78@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > The problem I am having is that the xsl
> transformation
> > is working fine for SP1 but is messing up in SP2.
> We
> > are converting XML to HTML. While xml is
> generating
> > fine, the HTML is missing tags
> Can you give an example for missing elements ? and
> the
> relevant code which should produce them?
> >
> > Could anyone suggest if there and easy way to
> debug
> > this problem. This only happens in 2003 SP2. I
> tried
> > XP SP2 and it works fine. Is there any know issues
> > with WIN2003/SP2 and XSL translation ?
> What is your XSLT processor ? What are the
> xsl:output
> options?
> Manfred

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