[xsl] Antwort: Re: [xsl] bad programming for speedup?

Subject: [xsl] Antwort: Re: [xsl] bad programming for speedup?
From: christoph.naber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:46:24 +0200
Hello Justin,

> 1)  Your "bad" solution will be used very often in a performance-
> challenged, or runtime-speed-is-critically-important, system.

No, that won't be the case, the problem hasn't much relevance since I try
to get a good solution just for interest. But when I wrote the
stylesheets, I noticed a huge difference in runtime. Because of that I
decided to ask some pro's.

> 2) Your "bad" solution should exhibit an order of magnitude
> better performance than the "good" XSL solution, and, that,
> would be a surprise to me if that were to be the case.

That was fact until Michael gave me the hint to do it in a recursive way.

>    <xsl:if test="not( preceding-sibling::*[1][self::row])">
Thank you! I searched the inet for some "best practice" patterns and how
to write performant XSL, but I must admit that I did not spent too much
time in that. Further I hope I'm learning to code better XSL by reading
this XSL-List.

Greetings from Germany
Christoph Naber

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