Re: [xsl] Using deep-equal() to match sequences of children

Subject: Re: [xsl] Using deep-equal() to match sequences of children
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 15:56:45 +0100
I think you want

some $child in INPUT/* satisfies 
    every $f in $my_item/* satisfies deep-equal($child, $f)

>  wrap them into a container to create the single-rooted tree needed
>  for comparison,

deep-equal shouldn't need a wrapper (which is expensive as it implies
copying all the input elements) you can give it two sequences.

> - How can I avoid prefix-type matches, i.e. if we already matched 
> <a/><b/>, how to stop <a/> and <b/> from matching?

your original problem (and the solution you are using) using some...
appears to be returning just a boolean value matches or not matches, 
so the question of which item matches doesn't arise does it (or rather,
since it clearly does arise, I'm too confused to answer this bit)


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