Re: [xsl] Processing Recursive Groups

Subject: Re: [xsl] Processing Recursive Groups
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 14:02:15 +0100
>  I'm fairly new to the list and I just figured nobody wanted to see
> the rest of the XSLT, only the problem parts.

the list posting guidelines, a link to which is included in every
message on the list says:

   Illustrating your question with a demonstration of the

   Well-composed questions frequently include a small XML sample,
   an XSLT stylesheet, the results received, and the result that was
   desired - all in miniature, to make it comprehensible to readers new to
   your problem. (It is also not uncommon to discover what a problem
   actually is in the process of reducing it to an illustrative version.) 

Note that if the problem can be cut down to something really small (eg a
question about a single xpath statement) then obviously posting just
that statement makes sense, but speaking personally (other potential
helpers may have different reactions) if the posted code doesn't fit in
a single screen of my email reader (which is emacs of course:-)
then I'm actually unlikely to consider the question at all unless the
code is an full complete stylesheet that can be run. You may note I
apply essentially the same criteria to replies. If the reply is a one
liner, then one line might be all that I send, but if it's more than
that, then often as not I'll post a complete stylesheet (so saxon has
debugged all my typing (keyboard, not XSD) errors, mainly)


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