Re: [xsl] IE Client side transformation issue

Subject: Re: [xsl] IE Client side transformation issue
From: "Andrew Welch" <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:46:44 +0100
On 7/29/07, Ilya Sterin <sterini@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We have an application that does client side transformation.  All
> works fine in FF and the transformation itself seems to work fine in
> IE.  The problem that we're having is with the onload handler.  Seems
> like although the transformation succeeds, the DOM is not available,
> though the javascript onload handler is executed, but any
> document.getElementById fail.  I can search for any div or other
> element by id and the return is always null, though when looking at
> the source of the transformation, the div element with that ID exists.
>  Again, this works fine in FF, so it seems like IE is behaving
> differently in regards to DOM lifecycle/availability after the
> transformation succeeds.

The first thing to do is make sure result HTML works independently of
the transformation process.

Do you experience the same problem if you just load the HTML in IE
without doing the transform?  If so, fix it and work backwards.

If not, try and produce a small working example showing what the problem is.



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