Re: [xsl] first warning message is printed in output using XSL

Subject: Re: [xsl] first warning message is printed in output using XSL
From: "Abel Braaksma (online)" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:19:51 +0200 (CEST)
> I am under the impression that you are mixing a couple of things up.
> XSLT does not print, and a template contains a rule and is only
> called when the input complies to that rule.

sorry, I should correct myself here: a *matching* template contains
a pattern (the rule) which, when matched against the input, will be
called. But an XSLT programmer has the option to tell the processor
which parts should actually be tested against the existing matching
templates and you do that by using apply-templates.

The other thing is a named template, which is only processed when
explicitly requested by its name.

You have both (which, IIRC only works with XSLT 2.0), in which case
the #3 template will be called either when a match occurs, or when
the call-template is explicitly used (and triggered).

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