Re: [xsl] Evaluate string as XPATH axis in XSLT1.0?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Evaluate string as XPATH axis in XSLT1.0?
From: Matt Poff <matt.poff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 11:58:18 +1200
Great thanks, as I'm using the EXSLT library elsewhere in the transform I found the dyn:evaluate() function. The problem now is my XPATH string contains apostrophes which I can't seem to escape adequately for dyn:evaluate() to not throw errors.

The string is of the form:

./foo[@type = 'bar']

I've tried the following XSLT char escaping options expressions:

<xsl:variable name="testmap" select="dyn:evaluate('./foo[@type = 'bar']')"/>

Result: Error = "expected ")", found "<name>"

<xsl:variable name="testmap" select="dyn:evaluate('./foo[@type = &apos;bar&apos;]')"/>

Result: Error = "expected ")", found "<name>"

<xsl:variable name="testmap" select="dyn:evaluate('./foo[@type = \\&apos;bar\\&apos;]')"/>

Result: Error = "expected ")", found "<name>"

<xsl:variable name="x">'</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="testmap" select="dyn:evaluate(concat('./foo[@type = ',$x, 'bar',$x,']'))"/>

Result: Parses OK but value is empty.

If I reference this path directly without using evaluate, the correct node-set is returned. It seems like dyn:evaluate isn't handling embedded apostrophes but I couldn't Google any workarounds for it.


Michael Kay wrote:
There's no standard way to construct an XPath expression from a string at
run-time in either XSLT 1.0 or 2.0.

Some products have an extension to do this, for example saxon:evaluate().

If you want a portable solution, the only way around it is to generate a

Michael Kay

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Poff [mailto:matt.poff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: 20 August 2007 06:58
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [xsl] Evaluate string as XPATH axis in XSLT1.0?


I'm trying to resolve a node attribute which contains an XPATH fragment to actually resolve that path to a value. Is this possible.

XML with attribute looks like...

<grid-map map="./foo[@bar]/select" />

XSLT looks like... <xsl:variable name="path" select="../grid/grid-map[1]/@map"/> <xsl:value-of select="{$path}" />

Unfortunately, this results in errors... Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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