Re: [xsl] current() - referring to top in nested predicates

Subject: Re: [xsl] current() - referring to top in nested predicates
From: Michael Ludwig <mlu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 15:10:23 +0200
Andrew Welch schrieb:
   <xsl:apply-templates select="
     //T [ position() != last() ]
         [ count( $b[.  >=  current() and
                     . &lt; current()/following-sibling::T[1]]) > 0]"/>

You don't need to use count() > 0 to check for existence... just do:

//T [ position() != last() ]
  [$b[.  >=  current() and . &lt; current()/following-sibling::T[1]]]

That's true. All I want is a boolean, and I don't need the count for that, existence is sufficient. Thanks!

Michael Ludwig

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