Re: [xsl] (simple?) xpath question

Subject: Re: [xsl] (simple?) xpath question
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 20:22:45 +0100
>>>>> "Mark" == mark bordelon <markcbordelon@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Mark> All *help*!    What is the best way to query xml with xpath
    Mark> to get a disjoint nodelist? Specifically i want to include
    Mark> just the root node alongwith a descendent node.    XML:  
    Mark> <a>   <b>     <c>     </c>  </b> </a>   XPATH:   //c  
    Mark> DESIRED RESULT NODELIST: i.e. not this: <c> </c>   but
    Mark> rather this: <a>   <c>   </c> </a>

One possibility is:

//*[name() != "b"]

It depends on your exact requirements.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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