Re: [xsl] Display text and all the following nodes except <anchor> and <pb>

Subject: Re: [xsl] Display text and all the following nodes except <anchor> and <pb>
From: "J. S. Rawat" <jrawat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 13:58:15 +0530
It is working fine in the below example
<head>O<sCap>FFICERS</sCap> of <person>the</person> R<sCap>EGIMENT</sCap> of
I<sCap>NFANTRY</sCap><anchor id="JHXMA0192"/><pb n="FFCP0002-52"/></head>

but it is not working in this
<title>(1) Exddd<anchor id="JHXMA0192"/><anchor id="JHXMA2911"/>dddnor <person>Williadddunt</person> to dddde</title>
the output of the above should be
<h1>(1) Exddd dddnor Williadddunt to dddde</h1>
Thanks a lot!!!

At 01:35 PM 9/18/2008, Syd Bauman wrote:
<!-- process <head> specially: ignore child <anchor> or <pb> -->
  <xsl:template match="head">
    <xsl:element name="h1">
          |*[not(name(.)='anchor' or name(.)='pb')]

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