Re: [xsl] Matching only text nodes with certain (complicated) properties

Subject: Re: [xsl] Matching only text nodes with certain (complicated) properties
From: "David B?rgin" <david.buergin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 18:53:52 +0100
Only now that I'm reading your replies am I understanding what "preceding::" actually matches. Thanks!

Good clue with the "normalize-space()", Wendell, but still, somehow whitespace seems to be a problem:

An original XML document (TEI):

<item n="c">The <mentioned>i</mentioned> of the nom. before a vowel in the RV.

<pb n="26"/>

  <item n="a">The <mentioned>i</mentioned> of the ...

after applying the following XSL 2.0 Transformation template (among others; the "body//" part of the match ensures that only text nodes from the <body> of the document are considered):

<xsl:template match="body//text()[preceding::text()[normalize-space()][1] &lt;&lt; preceding::pb[1]]">
<span class="pagenumber">page <xsl:value-of select="preceding::pb[1]/@n"/></span>


<li>The <span class="ved">i</span> of the nom. before a vowel in the RV.

<span class="pagenumber">page 26</span>
  <ol style="list-style-type:lower-greek">
    <span class="pagenumber">page 26</span>
      <span class="pagenumber">page 26</span>
      <span class="ved">i</span> of the ...

You see, a lot of <span>s are added not just to the very first text node. These seem to be added just around those places where I have a <pb/> in the original, so I suppose it's got to do with whitespace (there's always one empty line before and after <pb/> in the source XML).

I'm using Saxon B for my XSL 2.0 transformation (in Oxygen).

I'm looking into the thing some more today but thank you for your replies so far.

David B|rgin

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