[xsl] Starting Initial Page Number on Page Three

Subject: [xsl] Starting Initial Page Number on Page Three
From: Horace Burke <xmlmarkup@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 16:47:22 -0800 (PST)
Hi All,

I want to start initial page number as one "1" on page three of PDF documents
I am creating using XSL-FO style. There is a Title page (first page) and TOC
(second page). The documents have multiple languages (represented by "lang"
elements/tags in XML snippet below). When I add initial-page-number="1"
property to fo:page-sequence it starts page number on each new language page
and produces multiple #1's in on the TOC page for each language.

Does anyone know how I can start initial page number as one on page three and
have it counts continuously to the end of the document?

I am using Arbortext Epic/E3 for rendering.

<===XML Snippet===>


    <lang langID="EN" language="English" fontFam="Arial">
    <lang langID="FR" language="Frangais" fontFam="Arial">
    <lang langID="DE" language="Deutsch" fontFam="Arial">
    <lang langID="IT" language="Italiano" fontFam="Arial">


<===XSL-FO Snippet===>

<xsl:template match="lang">
   <fo:page-sequence master-reference="Insrt-body-page">

      <fo:static-content flow-name="lang-pg-ct">
      	 <fo:block text-align="center" font-size="{$p-font_Size}">
      	    <fo:basic-link internal-destination="{generate-id(/)}">
      	       <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="{generate-id(/)}"/>

      <fo:flow flow-name="Prod-pgbody" font-family="{$font_Fam}">
        <fo:block id="{generate-id(.)}">


Thanks in advance for your help.

Horace Burke

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