[xsl] Validate using MSXML

Subject: [xsl] Validate using MSXML
From: Michael Nielsen <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:11:06 +0200
Sorry if this list is not for a specific engine, but I simply can't find
any help to my problem. I'm using Microsoft XML to render my XSL and I
have a project consisting of the following files:




The sample_data.xml references the feeData.xsd and is valid,
fees_language references fees_language.xsd and is also valid.

The XSLT itself is able to transform the XML in sample_data.xml to HTML,
and uses the fees_language.xml as a variable in this way:

<xsl:variable name="Language_Id" select="Fee_Root/Fees/@Language_Id"/>
<xsl:variable name="Language"

This selects the correct language from my fees_language, and puts it
into a variable.

When I open my sample_data.xml in Firefox or Internet Explorer, it
renders correctly. And when I debug my XSLT in Stylus Studio, it als
renders correctly.

However, I would like to check if the XML is valid when parsing in my
ASP solution and here is how i do it:

(Code simplified, I have removed a lot of error checking)

-- Setup Objects
Set objXMLDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0")
Set objFreeDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0")
Set objXSLTemplate = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XSLTemplate.4.0")
Set objXSDCache = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.4.0")

-- Add XSD to Cache, and then to the objXMLDOM
Dim XSDName : XSDName =
Request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH").item & "feeData.xsd"
objXSDCache.Add "", XSDName
set objXMLDOM.schemas = objXSDCache

-- Load XML, xml_string is XML generated from the database

-- Load XSL into a free threaded DOM
objFreeDOM.async = False
objFreeDOM.resolveExternals = False (I have also tested with True)
objFreeDOM.validateOnParse =  False

-- Attach XSL to Template
objXSLTemplate.stylesheet = objFreeDOM

-- Create the processor
Dim processor
set processor = objXSLTemplate.createProcessor

-- Transform

-- And then output
result = processor.output

(Code done)

When i run this code i get an error:

Error while parsing "file:///F:/CVS/fees_language.xml". The element
'Languages' is used but not declared in the DTD/Schema.

It says that the Languages element is not part of the feeData.xsd -
Thats correct, its part of its own XSD named fees_language.xsd.

Is there a way of getting around this error?

I would prefer to have separate XSD's for each of my XML files, but I
also would like to know if the XML fed to the XSL is bad. And putting it
all into one XSD is also something I'd like to avoid.

If I ommit the line:

set objXMLDOM.schemas = objXSDCache

It works like a charm (but is not validating the XML)

Files can be zipped and made available upon request.

Best regards,
Michael Nielsen

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