[xsl] Problems merging two xml documents

Subject: [xsl] Problems merging two xml documents
From: sp <spamthis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 09:31:40 -0700

I'm trying to merge and copy two xml documents, into a new xml
document and in a nutshell no matter what xsl I write I have yet to
been able to get it to merge as I desire.

I don't just want the content of the elements, I want to make a copy
of each element making a new xml document. I've been utilizing the xsl
copy-of and the document() to try and do this, with merge and copy
examples as my guide.

After a day and a half of trying, I've gotten close, but still can't
get any one example to do what I need.  I don't know what of my many
efforts to provide as an example, so I thought I should just
illustrate below what I want and see if anyone can offer help.

thanks in advance for any suggestions or examples.

This document is merged with doc2, to form a new version of doc1.  Any
common elements from doc2 replace doc1s elements of the same name, any
new elements from doc2 are added


 <!-- etc -->

 <!--etc -->

 <!--etc -->


All except root element should be merged into doc1,  if element
already exists it replaces the ones in doc1


 <c1>more recent stuff</c1>
 <c2>more recent stuff</c2>
 <!--etc -->

<d> new element not in doc1 </d>


final doc, which is just a new version of doc1:


 <!-- etc -->

 <!--etc -->

 <c1>more recent stuff</c1>
 <c2>more recent stuff</c2>
 <!--etc -->

<d> new element not in doc1 </d>


thank you

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