[xsl] How to prevent stripping of EOL/CR chars at the end of lines?

Subject: [xsl] How to prevent stripping of EOL/CR chars at the end of lines?
From: "Ben Stover" <bxstover@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 11:07:53 +0200
When I apply an xslt script onto an source XML file (under WinXP) then everything is fine except the fact
that the result XML file is on one single, very, very long line. 

How to I prevent stripping of EOL/CR line end chars?

The source file contains them, the XSLT script contains them. So the reuslt file
should contains them as well.

Moreover the prepended blanks/tabs at the beginning of a line should NOT stripped as well.

So how can I achieve this all?


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