[xsl] Starting Initial Page Number on Page Two

Subject: [xsl] Starting Initial Page Number on Page Two
From: siarom egrub <egrubs@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 14:09:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hi All,

I have an issue where the initial page number is starting on page one. The
requirement is for the page number to start on page two (starting with the
number "2"). In my current output, the page number is starting on page one
(starting with the number "1"). I had to start the FO page-sequence
immediately after the FO layout-master-set because the documents are in
multiple languages and each language have to flow one after the other and not
start on a new page. How can I get the initial page number to  start on the
second page and start counting with number b2b? I've included snippets of
the stylesheet and XML. Please let me know if additional info is needed.

Thanks in advance for your help.

S. Egrub


<Insert column="1col" dbSvr="mfgdev" docID="248210" docrev="KA"
pgHeight="11in" pgWidth="8.5in" status="preview">

      <docDate>March 2007</docDate>
   <toc display="no"/>
   <lang langID="EN" language=" English" fontFam=" Arial">
       <term id="caution" text="CAUTION"/>
       <term id="notice" text="NOTICE"/>
       <term id="warning" text="WARNING"/>
       <productname>CREATINE KINASE-MB ISOENZYME (CKMB)</productname>
       <forUse>For <emphasis role="bolditalics">In Vitro</emphasis> Diagnostic
         <para><emphasis role="bold">Each kit contains the following

   <lang langID="FR" language=" FranC'ais" fontFam=" Arial">
       <term id="caution" text="ATTENTION"/>
       <term id="notice" text="REMARQUE"/>
       <term id="warning" text="AVERTISSEMENT"/>
       <productname>ISOENZYME CREATINE KINASE - MB (CKMB)</productname>
       <forUse>RC)servC) aux dosages biologiques in vitro</forUse>
          <para><emphasis role="bold">Chaque Coffret contient les produits

   <lang langID="DE" language="Deutsch" fontFam="Arial">
        <term id="caution" text="WARNHINWEIS"/>
        <term id="warning" text="WARNUNG"/>
        <term id="notice" text="HINWEIS"/>
       <productname>KREATINKINASE - MB ISOENZYM (CKMB)</productname>
       <forUse>In-Vitro Diagnostikum</forUse>
          <para><emphasis role="bold">Jeder Reagenzienkit enthC$lt die
folgenden Bestandteile:</emphasis></para>


<xsl:template match="/">
  <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";>
       <fo:simple-page-master master-name="Insrt-body-page"
page-height="{$doc_height}" page-width="{$doc_width}" margin-top="0.13in"
margin-bottom="0.25in" margin-left="0.45in" margin-right="0.45in">
       	  <!--++ Establish the output area(s) language pages ++-->
          <fo:region-body region-name="Insrt-pgbody" margin-top="0.3in"
margin-bottom="0.5in" column-count="2" background-image="watermark.eps"/>
       	     <fo:region-before region-name="lang-pg-ct" extent="0.75in" />
             <fo:region-after region-name="Col_CpyRght-Footer"

   <fo:page-sequence master-reference="Insrt-body-page">
     <xsl:if test="position() = 1 and //lang/@langID='EN'">
        <xsl:attribute name="initial-page-number">1</xsl:attribute>

    <fo:static-content flow-name="Col_CpyRght-Footer">
      <fo:retrieve-marker retrieve-class-name="cpy-footer"
retrieve-position="first-starting-within-page" retrieve-boundary="document"/>

   <fo:static-content flow-name="lang-pg-ct">
     <fo:block space-before="10.2in" text-align="center"
	 <fo:basic-link internal-destination="{generate-id(/)}">
	    <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="{generate-id(/)}"/>
  <fo:flow flow-name="Insrt-pgbody">
    <fo:block><!--ONE COL 8.5 X 11-->
        <xsl:apply-templates />


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