[xsl] XSLT (2) namespace safe i18n patterns

Subject: [xsl] XSLT (2) namespace safe i18n patterns
From: ac <ac@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 23:32:50 -0500

As each language (e.g. Frangais, English, Deutch) is a "natural" namespace, (XML) namespaces seemed designed to support localization (e.g. i18n). Namespace safety seems to damper that somewhat, and I am looking for an optimal pattern. Many list members here have worked extensively with internationalization and namespaces, can anyone help me find an optimal pattern to handle this:.

In a large XSLT2 project with lots of rich display vocabulary and languages, we have (many different) elements that can include display attributes like
<z name="Displayed Name" .../>

To support i18n for those names, it seems natural to define namespaces for each supported language, using the 2-letter localization codes, as:

   more-attributes=". . ."

<!-- . . . -->

<!-- and creating corresponding attributes in the displayed elements, like: -->
<z name="MD" fr:name="Midecin" en:name="Medical Doctor" more-attributes-and-content=". . ." />

<!-- . . . -->

<!-- as well as having other "context setting" elements that can define locale, like: -->
<person lang="fr" more-attributes-and-content=". . ." />

<!-- and at display time, using the @lang attribute from the context element (e.g. person) to match and select the "name" attribute from the displayed element (e.g. z), in the proper namespace (e.g. fr), for example. Directly matching localization codes with namespace prefixes, could provide great i18n flexibility and simplicity. -->


Localization codes are stable, but namespace prefixes may not be. Changing prefixes can seriously break this scheme. What could/should be the best way/pattern to manage this in a (namespace) safe way?

Thank you,

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