Re: [xsl] junit test... for xslt2?

Subject: Re: [xsl] junit test... for xslt2?
From: Dave Pawson <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 09:20:07 +0000
On 08/03/10 09:12, Andrew Welch wrote:

Ultimately though, for checking the "correctness" of the result of a
transform, I think you just need to execute XPaths against it, which
are more tolerant of subtle changes in the output.  That was the idea
behind xchecker, which then became running xquery and transforms to
overcome the limitations of what xpath can check.

Would you expand on that a little please Andrew? I can see (initially) that xpath comparisons would be easier (ws etc), but what made you change to 'running xquery and transforms'? What was xpath missing?

I'm thinking of testing the output of a single template
against an expected 'structure'.


Dave Pawson

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