Re: [xsl] Where does <xsl:message> output go?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Where does <xsl:message> output go?
From: Martin Honnen <Martin.Honnen@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:14:43 +0200
Costello, Roger L. wrote:

I know that when I run an XSLT transform from the DOS command line,
the contents of <xsl:message> goes to the command line.

If I invoke an XSLT transform using, say, a Java program, where does
the <xsl:message> content go? If there are multiple <xsl:message>
elements, does their content all go to the same place? Where? Is it
the same for every XSLT processor?

I don't think so, it will depend on the API of the XSLT processor you use and how you set up your application to receive those messages.
Saxon 9.2 has this documentation:

.NET's XslCompiledTransform has this event

to show just two examples of how processors allow you to handle the messages.

What happens to the in-memory result tree when the XSLT processor
encounters an <xsl:message terminate="yes"> element?

Transformation fails with terminate="yes".


	Martin Honnen

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