Re: [xsl] Optimizing preceding-sibling & following-sibling axes (with key()?)

Subject: Re: [xsl] Optimizing preceding-sibling & following-sibling axes (with key()?)
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:17:12 -0400
At 2010-04-07 22:04 +0200, Martynas Jusevicius wrote:
I'll try the for-each-group approach. But how would it work with recursion?

Forgive me, Martynas, but I'll let someone else with more time on their hands than I have answer that for you.

But you don't make it easy by not providing any test data or any expected results for that test data, per the guidelines for this list.

What I'm trying to do is to build hierarchical Table of Contents
(which unfortunately can have gaps between heading levels, as it is
not enforced in XHTML that they have to be incremental, therefore h4
can follow h2).

Not at all insurmountable.

. . . . . . . . . . Ken

XSLT/XQuery training:         San Carlos, California 2010-04-26/30
Principles of XSLT for XQuery Writers: San Francisco,CA 2010-05-03
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XSLT/XQuery/UBL/Code List training: Trondheim,Norway 2010-06-02/11
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