Re: [xsl] problem with processing CDATA tags in xml

Subject: Re: [xsl] problem with processing CDATA tags in xml
From: Martin Honnen <Martin.Honnen@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 15:05:40 +0200
Robby Pelssers wrote:

Actually I generate 2 kinds....

- xhtml (web rendition)
- DITA map/topics (which they import into framemaker to produce nice PDF's showing their product information.

But even DITA recognizes these <sub> and <sup> tags just as AdobeFramemaker does, so we use them for all publications actually.

The XSLT/XPath data model does not know any CDATA sections, the XSLT processor only sees text nodes where the original XML might have contained a CDATA section.
If you want a CDATA section in the serializezd XML output of a stylesheet then using the 'cdata-section-elements' attribute is the way to achieve that.
If you have a different stylesheet producing XHTML served as text/html on the web then CDATA sections don't make sense but in such a stylesheet you can certainly use xsl:value-of with disable-output-escaping="yes" to have the escaped markup result in elements.


	Martin Honnen

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