Re: [xsl] Create Table

Subject: Re: [xsl] Create Table
From: bernie bonn <moochambo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 11:20:45 -0700 (PDT)
aaah , I'm killing you here.   I just realized a muddy point. I was operating
before on the premise that each may or may not have a @Field='File'.  I have
recently realized that each change does have this it may just be in some (what
looks to be) random place.  This is why I was thinking we would have to track
the lineId.  I'll show an example.  You see @lineId=1 is below then the
'change' jumps up to @lineId =3, but they go together and then follow the
sequence.  The files seems to do this a couple of times.  You may notice , if
you have the source, that the <data> nodes we are selecting start with <data
lineId="61" section="diff" field="diff">266c267,273</data> which is a
continuation of the 'diffs' from further down in the file.  Yuck!

lineId="3" section="changes" field="date">20100310.102809</data>
lineId="4" section="changes" field="user">jryan</data>
<data lineId="5"
section="changes" field="cr_number">602018</data>
<data lineId="6"
section="changes" field="comment">fix for log 5960</data>
<data lineId="7"
section="diff" field="diff">18a19</data>
<data lineId="8" section="diff"
field="diff">&gt; import com.paychex.spr.clientproduct.ClientProduct;</data>
<data lineId="9" section="diff" field="diff">19a21,22</data>
<data lineId="10"
section="diff" field="diff">&gt; import
lineId="11" section="diff" field="diff">&gt; import
lineId="12" section="diff" field="diff">720c723</data>
<data lineId="13"
section="diff" field="diff">&lt;  private void setMethod(String code, String
calc401k, ClientPayComp clientPayComponent)</data>
<data lineId="14"
section="diff" field="diff">---</data>
<data lineId="15" section="diff"
field="diff">&gt;  private void setMethod(String code, String calc401k,
ClientPayComp clientPayComponent, boolean setMemoInd)</data>
<data lineId="16"
section="diff" field="diff">731a735,736</data>
<data lineId="17"
section="diff" field="diff">&gt;    if (setMemoInd)</data>
<data lineId="18"
section="diff" field="diff">&gt;     method.setIncludeMemoHours(true);</data>
<data lineId="19" section="diff" field="diff">967a973</data>
<data lineId="20"
section="diff" field="diff">&gt;     boolean setMemoInd = false;</data>
lineId="21" section="diff" field="diff">972c978,984</data>
<data lineId="1"
<data lineId="2" section="changes"

The output of what you gave
me is close, but the changes that are broken out across nodes aren't
complete.  Just wanted to clarify.  I will try to adapt the code to somehow
keep track of the lineID, but if you are a glutton for punishment I sure do
appreciate any further guidance.  

Your table suggestion makes perfect sense
and I will follow your advice.

Thanks again for the help

----- Original
Message ----
From: Eric J. Bowman <eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: bernie bonn
Cc: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thu, April 8,
2010 7:25:23 PM
Subject: Re: [xsl] Create Table

bernie bonn wrote:
> I
know, my first stab at XSLT and this is the file I get.  Thanks so
> much for
spending some time helping me out.  I will try to digets
> this solution
today.  I did notice that yu reformatted the XML file
> so that the nodes are
in order of @lineId, which is not the case in
> the source, is tis accounted
for in some way that I have missed.

I believe the order of lineIds is
sufficiently muddled in my example.

> Also, as far as the column, since the
table is quite wide already I
> thought adding a row (with one wide
cell) beneath the heading would
> work, with a "Details" button or something
to hide / unhide.  This is
> how the users are used to seeing it now.  I could
send you a
> screenshot if you'd like.    Anyway, thats for another day.  I am
> going to dive into your solution.

Don't break the semantics of your
output by making this a row; that
doesn't correlate with the headings or
anything else.  Imagine if
someone wants to use your output as an XSLT input
file someday, and
don't inflict this upon them!

Stick with a machine-readable
table.  If that doesn't appear the way
you want it to appear on-screen, well,
that's what CSS is for.  Leave
some space between rows, then use
position:absolute on the last <td> to
move it into that space, and stretch it
to the entire width.


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