Re: [xsl] how to decode Base64 in XSLT?

Subject: Re: [xsl] how to decode Base64 in XSLT?
From: Mukul Gandhi <gandhi.mukul@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 08:48:33 +0530
I'm not sure if this would really help.

But I implemented a base64 encoding & decoding implementation natively
in XSLT some time ago (it is a 1.0 solution, since it was written long
time ago). It could be found at:

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 1:36 AM, Ivan Shmakov <oneingray@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> B  B  B  B I'm developing an XML representation for the .torrent files.
B It
> B  B  B  B was quite trivial to convert the XML bit like, e. g.:
> <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!-- -*- XML -*- -->
> <torrent
> B  xmlns="";>
> B <announce>http://TRACKER:PORT/announce</announce>
> B <comment>COMMENT</comment>
> B <created-by>CREATED-BY</created-by>
> B <info>
> B  B <length>31454056</length>
> B 
B <name></name>
> B  B <piece-length>262144</piece-length>
> B </info>
> </torrent>
> B  B  B  B to the b.torrent formatb. B However, one of the most
> B  B  B  B parts of the .torrent file is the bpiecesb field, containing
> B  B  B  B SHA1 digests of the chunks represented as a single long binary
> B  B  B  B string. B To my mind, it's reasonable to have such a field
> B  B  B  B encoded in Base64, like:
> <torrent ...>
> B ...
> B <info>
> B  B ...
> B  B <pieces>
> B  B  B <digest>TCvyo4Na18vWlW19+pirwGKKMoU=</digest>
> B  B  B <digest>hnWGTGoiouUIZWjX861YIxyMYaM=</digest>
> B  B  B ...
> B  B </pieces>
> B </info>
> </torrent>
> B  B  B  B Now, how do I convert these Base64 strings into the respective
> B  B  B  B binary strings?
> --
> FSF associate member #7257

Mukul Gandhi

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