RE: [xsl] Name of current mode

Subject: RE: [xsl] Name of current mode
From: "Mario Madunic" <Mario_Madunic@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 08:50:10 -0500

Please post your solution as I'd be really interested in what the results are.
I've never used tunneling myself and to be honest have completely forgotten
about it since I first read about it.

Marijan (Mario) Madunic
Publishing Specialist
New Flyer Industries

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Roth [mailto:roth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 8:36 AM
To: XSL List
Subject: Re: [xsl] Name of current mode

Mario Madunic wrote:

>How about defining a var/param at the top of the mode and test its
>content to find out which mode you are at currently. Not nice but could
>be what you are looking for. Would the variable clash with itself if it
>is called recursively?

I guess yes, a tunnel parameter would do (initialized at the xsl:apply-
templates that starts the mode), and no, I don't think a recursive
template call would be a problem. I just thought that while I have the
mode information already (in the dynamic context), I could spare me a
duplicate of that info in a tunnel parameter (avoiding any possible
mistakes in keeping that duplicate correct).


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