Re: [xsl] using xsl:call-template dynamicly

Subject: Re: [xsl] using xsl:call-template dynamicly
From: Martin Honnen <Martin.Honnen@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 13:41:32 +0200
Red Light wrote:
Hi ,

i'm using apache fop , and i want in my xsl to dynamicly call a template

for example i got a main xsl file==> main.xsl (which i mport a xsl file ==> subreport1.xsl)

in this subreport1.xsl file i got a template that i declare like that :

 <xsl:template  match="projectDetailSection">

and in my main template (main.xsl)

i call the template with:

<xsl:call-template name="projectDetailSection" />

that's the normal case it's working.

Is that working? I don't think it can work if you have match="projectDetailSection" on your xsl:template, you would need name="projectDetailSection"

> Now how could i call a templace dynamicly like:

i define the variable:

<xsl:variable name="var1" saxon:assignable="yes">projectDetailSection </xsl:variable>

Why is there white space after "projectDetailSection"?

and then i call the tempalte dynamicly:

 name="{$var1}" saxon:allow-avt="yes" ></xsl:call-template>

my actual code doens't work even if i use saxon ....

Which version of Saxon is that? does not list any such attribute. It seems with Saxon 9.2 you would need to use
<saxon:call-template name="{$var1}">
if I understand correctly.


	Martin Honnen

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