RE: [xsl] Total Missing documents for each Event‏

Subject: RE: [xsl] Total Missing documents for each Event‏
From: Shashank Jain <shashankjain@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:01:58 -0500
(Sending it again, removed the extra spaces in the code)
Hello All,
I am trying to calculate the Sum of total Missing Docs.
Here is my XML:
<event_template sp_mand_doctypes="PSC Minutes, Internal Approval,
Rationale, Trade Instructions, IPS, Final Client Models">
<event complete="N">
    <document_type sp_document_type="Final Client Models"/>
<event complete="N">
    <document_type sp_document_type="Final Client Models"/>
    <document_type sp_document_type="Rationale"/>
<event complete="N">
    <document_type sp_document_type="Analyst"/>
<event_template sp_mand_doctypes="PSC Minutes, Rationale, IPS, Final
Client Models">
<event complete="N">
    <document_type sp_document_type="Final Client Models"/>
<event complete="N">
    <document_type sp_document_type="Final Client Models"/>
    <document_type sp_document_type="Rationale"/>
Previously I used following template to calculate number of missing
events, thanks to David for that.
<xsl:template name="eventTemplate">
		<xsl:for-each select="event">
			<xsl:call-template name="NumDocumentsMissing"/>
<xsl:template name="NumDocumentsMissing">
		<xsl:when test="@complete='Y'">
		<xsl:variable name="x"
I got the required output 5,4,6,3,2.
Now I am trying to add all those values and for that I am using this
function, so I want the total to be 5+4+6+3+2=20
<xsl:function name="fns:totalMissing">
	<xsl:param name="event" as="element()"/>
		<xsl:when test="$event/@complete='Y'">
			<xsl:sequence select="0"/>
			<xsl:variable name="x"
And calling this function in this way
<xsl:sequence select="sum(//event/fns:totalMissing(.))"/>
I am not able to get the desired output. Looks like Function is not
calculating the value at each event properly. Please correct me where
I am doing it wrong.
> From: shashankjain@xxxxxxxx
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: davidc@xxxxxxxxx
> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:51:19 -0500
> Subject: RE: [xsl] Total Missing documents for each Event~
> Hello All,
> I am trying to calculate the Sum of total Missing Docs.
> Here is my XML:
> Previously I used following template to calculate number
> of missing events, thanks to David for that.
> select="event">
> name="NumDocumentsMissing"/>
> test="@complete='Y'">
>                   --
> name="x"
> select="tokenize(parent::node()/@sp_mand_doctypes,'\s*,\s*')"/>
> select="count($x[not(.=current()/document_type/@sp_document_type)])"/>
> I got the required output 5,4,6,3,2.
> Now I am trying to add all those values and for that I am
> using this function, so I want the total to be 5+4+6+3+2=20
> name="event" as="element()"/>
> test="$event/@complete='Y'">
> select="0"/>
> select="tokenize($event/../@sp_mand_doctypes,'\s*,\s*')"/>
> select="count($x[not($event/document_type/@sp_document_type)])"/>
> And calling this function in this way
> I am not able to get the desired output. Looks like
> Function is not calculating the value at each event properly. Please correct me
> where I am doing it wrong.
> Thanks
> Shashank
>> From: shashankjain@xxxxxxxx
>> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> CC: davidc@xxxxxxxxx
>> Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 11:35:27 -0500
>> Subject: RE: [xsl] Total Missing documents for each Event~
>> Thanks David !
>> You understood my requirement very well, this is exactly what I wanted.
>> I agree my code is vastly complicated , I will work on it to write more efficient code.
>> Thanks again.
>> Shashank
>> ----------------------------------------
>>> Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 17:00:02 +0100
>>> From: davidc@xxxxxxxxx
>>> To: shashankjain@xxxxxxxx
>>> CC: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Subject: Re: [xsl] Total Missing documents for each Event~
>>> Either I'm not understanding your requirements or your code is vastly
>>> more complicated than needed (or both)
>>> i think you just want
>>> xmlns:xsl="";>
>>> select="tokenize(@sp_mand_doctypes,'\s*,\s*')"/>
>>> For event
>>> list is:
>>> select="$x[not(.=current()/document_type/@sp_document_type)]"
>>> separator=","/>
>>> count
>>> select="count($x[not(.=current()/document_type/@sp_document_type)])"/>
>>> additional docs:
>>> select="document_type/@sp_document_type[not(.=$x)]"
>>> separator=","/>
>>> count
>>> which makes
>>> $ saxon9 list.xml list.xsl
>>> For event 1
>>> list is: PSC Minutes,Internal Approval,Rationale,Trade
>>> Instructions,IPS count 5
>>> additional docs: count 0
>>> For event 2
>>> list is: PSC Minutes,Internal Approval,Trade Instructions,IPS count 4
>>> additional docs: count 0
>>> For event 3
>>> list is: PSC Minutes,Internal Approval,Rationale,Trade
>>> Instructions,IPS,Final Client Models count 6
>>> additional docs: Analyst count 1
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