Re: [xsl] Learning SA XPath/XSLT: Has anyone a collection of XSLT/XPath schema-aware problems?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Learning SA XPath/XSLT: Has anyone a collection of XSLT/XPath schema-aware problems?
From: Andrew Welch <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:40:21 +0100
On 24 April 2010 18:36, Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have known the basics of XPath/XSLT SA processing for probably two
> years, but I lack practicing this general knowledge.
> In this list there are rarely any SA-related questions. I believe it
> would be for the benefit of everyone if a collection of SA-oriented
> problems is made available, or if someone starts regularly submitting
> such problems. We need to reach and step beyond the "critical point".

I don't have a list of problems, but I've used SA transforms in the
past for result validation and validation of temporary structures in
variables.  The "killer app" here is generating strict XHTML.

I've never really had the need for input validation, and I don't think
relying on it is a good idea.  It would be good though, if given an
input xsd the processor could tell you unreachable parts of your xslt.

Andrew Welch

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