Re: [xsl] Removing Namespace declaration from root element [xsltproc XSLT 1.0]

Subject: Re: [xsl] Removing Namespace declaration from root element [xsltproc XSLT 1.0]
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 09:16:23 +0100
On 17/09/2010 8:00 AM, pankaj.c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to remove namespace declaration from root element in my xml
input. Below is what it looks like:

Root Element:
<chapter xmlns:sb="";
xmlns:ce=""; xmlns:mml=""; xmlns:xlink=""; xmlns:aid=""; xmlns:aid5=""; aid:pstyle="" aid5:tablestyle=""
version="5.2" xml:lang="en" docsubtype="chp" id="c0030">
<ce:footnote id="fn0010">

Desired Output

<chapter version="5.2" xml:lang="en" docsubtype="chp" id="c0030">
<ce:footnote id="fn0010">

Your desired output is not namespace-well-formed (prefix ce is undeclared), so it's not possible to generate it using XSLT.

Michael Kay

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