Re: [xsl] Stumped: XSL 1.0 recursive template

Subject: Re: [xsl] Stumped: XSL 1.0 recursive template
From: daniel whitney <dbf.whitney@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:36:40 -0500
Sorry quick revision. I had to put the "[1]" in both the "when" test
<xsl:when test="$fincodeParam = $nextRecordParam----[1]----/@desc">
and when recursively calling the template.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:31 AM, daniel whitney <dbf.whitney@xxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks for the response Brandon. But I'm still having problems
> understanding what's happening here. With the example I provided the
> attribute values I am comparing are:
> 60, 60.09, 60.09, 60.09, 80.
> The comparisons being returned are:
> False, True, True, True. It's the last test evaluating to True that
> confuses me. Why when I'm on the last desc value of 60.09 and the
> following-sibling value is 80 (which is the last RECORDSECTION in the
> transform) does it evaluate to TRUE? As a test I changed all the desc
> values so that they were unique. I ran the transform and every test
> came back True except for the first one.
> So I fooled around with your suggestion and found that by putting the
> [1]  when I recusively calling the template it worked. But I don't
> know why.
>      <xsl:call-template name="financialTemp">
>        <xsl:with-param name="nextRecordParam"
> select="$nextRecordParam[position() &gt; 1]"/>
>        <xsl:with-param name="fincodeParam"
> select="$nextRecordParam----[1]----/@desc"/>
>      </xsl:call-template>
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Brandon Ibach
> <brandon.ibach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 2:09 PM, daniel whitney <dbf.whitney@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sorry if this gets posted twice ...
>>> I'm stumped. I cannot figure out why the @desc test in the
>>> financialTemp template is always evaluating to true, when the values
>>> being output are different.
>>> I'm simply trying to remove lines with the same desc attribute value
>>> in the RECORDSECTION[@colformat='colbody'] elements.
>> The test is:   $fincodeParam = $nextRecordParam/@desc
>> This will evaluate to true if the string value of $fincodeParam (the
>> value of the "desc" attribute of the RECORDSECTION currently being
>> processed) is equal to the value of the "desc" attribute of ANY
>> following-sibling RECORDSECTION whose "colformat" attribute has a
>> value of "colbody".
>> I think you'll get what you want by putting a "[1]" before "/@desc" in
>> the above test.
>> -Brandon :)
>>>           <xsl:for-each
>>>             <xsl:call-template name="financialTemp">
>>>               <xsl:with-param name="nextRecordParam"
>>> select="following-sibling::RECORDSECTION[@colformat='colbody']"/>
>>>               <xsl:with-param name="fincodeParam" select="@desc"/>
>>>             </xsl:call-template>
>>>           </xsl:for-each>
>>>   <xsl:template name="financialTemp">
>>>     <xsl:param name="nextRecordParam"/>
>>>     <xsl:param name="fincodeParam"/>
>>>     <xsl:if test="$nextRecordParam[1]">
>>>       <xsl:choose>
>>>         <xsl:when test="$fincodeParam = $nextRecordParam/@desc">
>> [...]
>>>         </xsl:when>
>>>         <xsl:otherwise>
>> [...]
>>>         </xsl:otherwise>
>>>       </xsl:choose>
>>>       <xsl:call-template name="financialTemp">
>>>         <xsl:with-param name="nextRecordParam"
>>> select="$nextRecordParam[position() &gt; 1]"/>
>>>         <xsl:with-param name="fincodeParam"
>>>       </xsl:call-template>
>>>     </xsl:if>
>>>   </xsl:template>

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