Re: [xsl] Referencing previous contexts in xpath/Xsl

Subject: Re: [xsl] Referencing previous contexts in xpath/Xsl
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 15:21:39 +0000
I'm trying to construct and xpath for a select attribute in Xsl. What I have is something like this


Which doesn't work as current() is referring to the context item that is the parent of x, rather than what I want which is to refer to x from within the second level []s.

Is this possible in xpath?

In general, (a) for XPath 1.0, no; (b) for XPath 2.0, yes, by using range variables, for example:

select="x[some $X in $a/* satisfies $X/name = @b]

But in this case, perhaps you want

select="x[$a/*/name = @b]"

Michael Kay

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