Subject: Re: [xsl] Building and re-using an index gradually as multiple inter-related files get transformed From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 09 May 2011 16:21:29 +0100 |
Michael Kay Saxonica
Hi! I'm after advice in how to build an "indexing" solution using XSLT 2.0.
Here is my use case (simplified a bit). I have a number of XML files to "translate"/"re-map" into a second set of XML files. For each input file, there will be a single output file (1-to-1 relationship). Each document lists a series of objects and their properties. This "translation" consists of changing the identifier (GUID) of each object in the source file. However, some of the documents list objects that reference other objects (dependencies). Whilst "translating" therefore, I need to keep an index/dictionary of the old-vs-new identifiers, so that all dependencies remain valid in the new set of files, but that there is no overlap between original and new identifiers for any object.
Example (simplified, assume an XML representation)
SOURCE FILES Fruits.xml Name=Apple, ID=1 Name=Orange, ID=2 People.xml Name=Bob, ID=A Name=Marie, ID=B Preferences.xml ID=Y, PersonID=A, FruitID=1 ID=Z, PersonID=B, FruitID=1
TARGET FILES Fruits.xml Name=Apple, ID=R Name=Orange, ID=T People.xml Name=Bob, ID=434 Name=Marie, ID=2526 Preferences.xml ID=G67, PersonID=434, FruitID=R ID=E43, PersonID=2526, FruitID=R
The example is obviously far more complex, with dozens of files and complex dependencies. I know however the object model, and therefore what objects have dependencies, and the direction of all dependencies. I can therefore order the file transformation so as to ensure that no file is processed if all its dependent objects have not already been translated. BTW, I have no control over the identifiers themselves (they are generated by a separate system).
I could obviously process each transformation one at a time, and every time load the relevant source and target files already processed to create the mapping index. However, I'm after a way to do this in one single transformation. The reason I'm stuck (mentally) is the following: - Using XLST 2.0, I could use xslt:result-document to create the target files. However, I believe I would not be able to load them in the same transformation again (in order to do a lookup in them as necessary when treating depencies) - A variable, once defined, cannot be modified. I would therefore not be able to create a global "index" of sort and keep adding to it as I would in a procedural language.
What would be the best way to go about this? A recursive template that after each step passes the index generated at the previous step and augments it? Would I not run into performance problems when treating hundreds of large source files?
-- Fabre Lambeau
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