Re: [xsl] Need XML grep-like tool for Linux that uses XPath expressions

Subject: Re: [xsl] Need XML grep-like tool for Linux that uses XPath expressions
From: Syd Bauman <Syd_Bauman@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 04:14:03 -0400
In addition to all of the excellent suggestions so far, there is
xmlstarlet, which I use for exactly this sort of thing every day. I
typically wrap the command in a shell for loop. E.g., the following
(all on one line, of course) asks for a list of all TEI files that
have within their <text>s one or more naked <reg> elements not
wrapped in <choice>, and for each file a count of such cases:

for f in *.tei ; do
   echo -n "---------$f:" ;
   xmlstarlet sel -N t=
   -t -m "/t:TEI/t:text"
   -v "count( .//t:reg[not( parent::t:choice )] )" $f ;
   done | egrep -v ':0$'

The `xmlstarlet sel` subcommand basically let's you execute a small
XSLT 1.0 program from the commandline. The "-t" switch says "here
starts my template", the "-m" switch is for the match= attribute, and
the -v switch is for the select= of an <xsl:value>. There are other
capabilities, too. xmlstarlet also can execute an XSLT stylesheet
file on STDIN from the commandline, although I personally don't use
that much.

Also see the xpath++ utility at

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