[xsl] saxon:evaluate() in schematron

Subject: [xsl] saxon:evaluate() in schematron
From: Matthew Stoeffler <Matthew.Stoeffler@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 13:48:40 -0400

I'm working on a schematron script (iso schematron) in which I'm trying to
confirm a relationship between two elements representing containing boxes.
So, source xml looks like 

<ref id="r7">
    <block n="10" page="p-65" x1="579" y1="4604" x2="2634" y2="4682"/>
    <citation id="c19" citation-type="other">
        <line n="10" page="p-65" x1="1690" y1="4604" x2="2612"
y2="4682"><![CDATA[Walther Straram, Paris, 193I]]></line>

. and the relationship I'm looking for is whether the line (or lines) are
within the block, and, most frustratingly, which coordinates are at fault if
it doesn't fit.

My schematron pattern uses one function to ascertain whether or not the line
fits, and, if not, attempts to run the 'reportBadCoords' function to identify
which coordinates fail.  The function looks like this 

 <xsl:function name="ins:reportBadCoords" as="xs:string">
        <xsl:param name="coordNode" as="node()"/>
        <xsl:param name="coordName" as="xs:string"/>
        <xsl:param name="blockPath" as="xs:string"/>
        <xsl:param  name="context" as="node()"/>
        <xsl:variable as="xs:string" name="blkCoordPath"
           <xsl:when test="$coordName = 'x1'
number(saxon:evaluate(concat('$p1',$blkCoordPath),$context)) &lt;
number($coordNode)"><xsl:value-of select="$coordName"/></xsl:when>
           <xsl:when test="$coordName = 'x2'
number(saxon:evaluate(concat('$p1',$blkCoordPath),$context)) &gt;
number($coordNode)"><xsl:value-of select="$coordName"/></xsl:when>
           <xsl:when test="$coordName = 'y1'
number(saxon:evaluate(concat('$p1',$blkCoordPath),$context)) &lt;
number($coordNode)"><xsl:value-of select="$coordName"/></xsl:when>
           <xsl:when test="$coordName = 'y2'
number(saxon:evaluate(concat('$p1',$blkCoordPath),$context)) &gt;
number($coordNode)"><xsl:value-of select="$coordName"/></xsl:when>
          <!-- debugging -->

and is invoked from this rule.

 <rule context="line">
            <let name="lineNo" value="@n"/>
            <let name="refId" value="ancestor::ref/@id"/>
            <let name="artId"
            <assert test="some $bl in ancestor::ref/block
satisfies(ins:isContainedInBlock($bl, .))">
                The current citation line (number: <value-of
select="$lineNo"/> ) does not fit within any of the defined blocks in the
containing ref (ref id = <value-of select="$refId"/>).
                 [article id = <value-of select="$artId"/>].
                Bad coords:
                <value-of select="for $coord in @*[matches(name(),'[xy][12]')]

When I test this script in Oxygen 13.2, with Saxon PE 9.305, I either fail to
return any value from the evaluate() function, or if I remove the reference to
context and just pass  $blkCoordPath straight to evaluate(), I get message
that I'm selecting root node without proper context, or context undefined.

Thanks for any help.

Matt S.

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