[xsl] constructing an element with an element's content based on the content of sibling element

Subject: [xsl] constructing an element with an element's content based on the content of sibling element
From: Dana Pearson <dbpearsonmlis@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 20:07:18 -0500

Hoping someone can point out my misunderstanding of the solution in my
transformation to the construction of an element, <controlfield>, with
a preferred ISBN and the use of a second ISBN (13 characters vs. 10)
if the preferred is unavailable; otherwise, nothing.


All of the product records have 3 productidentifiers with b221 element
values in the following order: 02, 03, 15.

To test the element construction with the second ISBN (b221=02) if the
preferred ISBN (b221=15) is missing, I removed the productidentifer
with element b221=15 from the second product record; I removed all
productidentifiers from the third record.

<xsl:for-each select="productidentifier">
  <xsl:variable name="isbn13">
	 <xsl:when test="b221='15'">
	   <xsl:value-of select="b244"/>
  <xsl:variable name="isbn10">
	 <xsl:when test="b221='02'">
	   <xsl:value-of select="b244"/>
	<xsl:when test="not(empty($isbn13))">
	  <controlfield tag="001">
	  <xsl:text>xyz</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$isbn13"/>

	<xsl:when test="empty($isbn13)">
	  <controlfield tag="001">
	  <xsl:text>xyz</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$isbn10"/>


The results of  the three records:

record 1

    <controlfield tag="001">xyz</controlfield>
    <controlfield tag="001">xyz</controlfield>
    <controlfield tag="001">xyz9781605428680</controlfield>

record 2

    <controlfield tag="001">xyz</controlfield>
    <controlfield tag="001">xyz</controlfield>

record 3 has the desired result of no controlfield tag=001

I am apparently not accounting for productidentifier/b221=03 but have
tried creating a similar variable which would result in an empty
string...have tried using exists()...not using variables...but always
get the same result..

hope the problem is clear...a little cross-eyed at this point..

any help would be greatly appreciated...


Dana Pearson

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