Re: [xsl] Return text contents of most recent non-null sibling.

Subject: Re: [xsl] Return text contents of most recent non-null sibling.
From: Michael Müller-Hillebrand <mmh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 18:51:00 +0200
Hi Richard,

Your predicate just checks whether any of the preceding-sibling rows have a
first column child, you also have to check whether it is empty or not. How
about this, if you can use XPath 2:

<xsl:template match="row">
   <xsl:variable name="heading" select="column[@column eq '1']" />
   <item row="{@row}" name="{
      if ($heading != '')
      then $heading
      else preceding-sibling::row[column[@column eq '1'] !=
''][1]/column[@column eq '1']
     }" value="{column[@column eq '3']}" />

You see I also used the @column attribute to locate the correct cell but that
might be unnecessary.

Of course it would be even better to create a function like
my:GetCurrentHeading() to encapsulate the if-then-else stuff.


- Michael

Am 14.08.2012 um 18:03 schrieb Kerry, Richard:

> <xsl:otherwise>
> <test heading="{preceding-sibling::node()[column[1]][1]/column[1]}"
type="absent" value="{column[3]}" />
> </xsl:otherwise>

Michael M|ller-Hillebrand: Dokumentations-Technologie
Adobe Certified Expert, FrameMaker
Lvsungen und Training, FrameScript, XML/XSL, Unicode
Blog: - Tel. +49 (9131) 28747

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