[xsl] xsl:apply-imports behavior wrong in Saxon?

Subject: [xsl] xsl:apply-imports behavior wrong in Saxon?
From: "Bob Stayton" <bobs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 09:10:18 -0700
I have uncovered a significant difference in the way xsltproc and Saxon (both 6 and 9)
handle xsl:apply-imports when using a template mode. It seem that Saxon
is doing the wrong thing here, but I wanted to ask if others interpret it
this way. I cannot find anything in the archive on this subject.

I'm processing this simple document book.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <title>My book title</title>
 <para>My first para</para>

with this stylesheet (modetest.xsl):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xsl:import href="no-mode.xsl"/>

<xsl:param name="myflag" select="1"/>

<xsl:template match="book">
 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="inside_mode"/>

<xsl:template match="book" mode="inside_mode">
   <xsl:when test="$myflag != 0">
     <xsl:message>Reached apply-imports in modetest.xsl</xsl:message>
     <xsl:message>Reached otherwise in modetest.xsl</xsl:message>

<xsl:template match="*" mode="inside_mode">
 <xsl:message>reached fallback in modetest.xsl for element
    <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/></xsl:message>


And the imported no-mode.xsl stylesheet is: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; version="1.0">

<xsl:template match="book">
   <xsl:when test="$myflag != 0">
     <xsl:message>Reached when in no_mode.xsl</xsl:message>
     <xsl:message>Reached otherwise in no_mode.xsl</xsl:message>


When I apply modetest.xsl to book.xml using xsltproc, the message output is

Reached apply-imports in modetest.xsl

When I apply modetest.xsl to book.xml using Saxon, the output is:

Reached apply-imports in modetest.xsl
reached fallback in modetest.xsl for element title
reached fallback in modetest.xsl for element para

According to Saxon author Michael Kay's website, his description of
xsl:apply-imports is:

"The effect is to search for a template that matches the current node and
that is defined in a stylesheet that was imported (directly or indirectly,
possibly via xsl:include) from the stylesheet containing the current
template, and whose mode matches the current mode. If there is such a
template, it is activated using the current node. If not, the call on
xsl:apply-imports has no effect."

There is no template matching on book in mode="inside_mode" in the imported
stylesheet, so the call on xsl:apply-imports should have no effect.  That is
what I see when I process with xsltproc.  However, Saxon continues
processing the children of book in that mode, even though there is no
xsl:apply-templates to trigger such processing.   Why is Saxon applying
templates in mode="inside_mode" to the children of book?

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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